You are all welcome to the 1st Sunday of 2019. This Sunday is referred to as Epiphany of our Lord.
It means the manifestation of the messiah (Jesus) to the gentiles (Non-Jews) of the World.
This being the year of children, we would like to see the importance of the time that Jesus had with the little children (Mark 10:13-16)
Here the scriptures say: “…People were bringing little children to him to touch them but the Disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these…”
What is the significance of Jesus displeasure at the way the disciples tried to prevent the children from coming to him?
- It showed that the disciples did not understand the true identity of Jesus.
- The incident tells us that all people are Gods children and are entirely dependent on God for everything so they must come to him (God)
- It also meant that the kingdom of God is for all people including the little children.
- Showed that Jesus had come to service mankind irrespective of age or status.
- Children are still young, innocent and humble hence Jesus blessings would come to only those who could accept to humble themselves as children.
- Since children depend on their parents, Jesus gave them priority in order to show that all followers of God are expected to depend on him all the time.
- The kingdom of God is open only to those who are faithful, obedient and ask for forgiveness. The parents showed their children to Jesus as a way of wishing to bring them closer to God.
- By receiving the children, Jesus wanted to show that they are gifts from God (Psalm. 127:3). He wanted to show that God’s blessings to those who are humble as children are a free gift which requires only faithful hearts.
- Much as the children were not brought to be taught but to be touched and blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ, it showed that God requires people to repent and then their minds and hearts will be as clean and innocent as those of the children! After all the Kingdom of God demands repentance!
May the Lord grant us the children like spirit so that we may inherit His kingdom.
Blessings to everyone in Christ Jesus.
Udongo Albert Festus (Rev. Canon)
Questions for Home Cell and Personal Reflection
Read Mark 10:1-1`6, Psalm 127:3, Malachi 2:15.
- Why are so many children not able to enjoy their children hood today?
- How can the church and society help to solve the rampant problem of street children in our urban areas?
- Suggest some practical solutions for families to avoid Poor Parenting.