1.      The chaplain/Chairman Rev. Canon Albert Festus Udongo
2.      Associate Chaplain/Ex-Office Rev. Dr. Grace Lubaale
3.      Priest In-charge UIAHMS Rev. Rosemary Kamukama
4.      The Chaplain’s Warden Mrs. Annette Lumu
5.      Head of Laity Mr. Asaba Gerald
6.      The Chapel Council Secretary Ms. Akello Sharon
7.      The Deputy Chapel Council secretary Mrs. Florence Parker
8.      The Chapel Treasurer Mr. Turyakira Michael
9.      The Team Leader, Building and Development Mr. Sam Egaru
10.  The Team leader, Evangelism & outreach Mr. Adson Twiine
11.  Leader Discipleship & Nurture Mrs. Twebaze Owakunda
12.  Leader Mother’s Union Mrs Judith Kubaruho
13.  Leader Christian Women Fellowship Ms Aduko Christine
14.  Leader Father’s Union Mr. Rodgers Mutekeki. Kaganda
15.  Youth leader Mr. Benjamin Mutebi
16.  Leader Children Ministry Mr. Daniel Bagonza
17.  Leader  Home Cell Vacant
18.  Leader Hospital Ministry Miss Diana Nabatte
19.  7:15am service Representantive Mrs Ejang Josephine
20.  7:15am service  Representantive Ms. Joy Jolly Avako
21.  8:45am service  Representantive (Luganda Service) Mr. Nsiiro Patrick
22.  8:45am service  Representantive (Luganda service) Mr. Mubiru Ivan
23.  10:15am service  Representantive Mrs. Betsy Mutegeki
24.  10:15am service  Representantive Nabatte Diana / Ms. Ozane Kirungi
25.  9:00am service  Representantive(UIAHMS) Ms. Caroline Natukunda
26.  7:00am service  Representantive(UIAHMS) Mr. Kaita Moses
27.  Kido Coordinator St. Luke’s Chapel Dr. Charles Matsiko
28.  Compassion Ministry Coordinator Vacant