You are most welcome to this service in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus.
Today is a Keswick Sunday, in which we receive preachers from the Uganda Keswick Convention. Keswick is a small town in northern England. The Keswick Convention started in 1875 as a get-together of Christians who are eager to hear God’s Word expounded and preached, so that they may know and serve Him better.
There are now two conventions each year – one ordinary and the other for those who wish to combine spiritual refreshment and a holiday. In both Conventions, Evangelistic messages are preached to challenge those not yet saved, to come to the Lord. In Uganda, the Keswick Convention meetings started in 1968 and run on similar principles, but are not residential. Those who attend these meetings get spiritual refreshment and are challenged to be faithful witnesses of the Lord Jesus.
This year 2018, the Keswick Convention reminds us to draw near to God in everything. This means that we should be good stewards of our Body, Time, Possessions, and Talents in order to serve God effectively. This is only possible once we get committed to Prayer, Bible study, Fellowship, Discipleship and Witnessing & Lifestyle which are the key components to Christian growth. As Jesus commanded us to Love God with all our Heart, Soul, Mind and strength, (Mark 12:30) as well as our neighbours, we should therefore comply in order to draw near to God.
In Conclusion, therefore, we have no choice except drawing near to God in everything by seeking Him first and His righteousness and all the others will be given to us as well (Mathew 6:33).
Rev. Grace Lubaale
Associate Chaplain
Read carefully James 4:1-10. Mathew 6:28-34 and Mark 12:29-34 and reflect on your life, share your reflections with cell members and lay more strategies of how and the need to draw near to God.