We welcome you all to St. Luke’s Chapel, Mulago Hospital, in the precious name of Christ our Lord and Saviour. A special welcome to all our visitors.
A polite reminder to all those who had made pledges to support God’s work here at St. Luke’s and have not yet fulfilled them, you are being requested to kindly do so. May God bless you.
Archbishop/Diocesan Bishop Diocese of Kampala the most Rev. Stanley Ntagali will visit allied Health Anglican Chapel (AHAC) on 21st 2018. Pray for the visit and prepare to receive him.
Mission week and St. Luke’s celebrations will run from 12th -21st October 2018, be part of it.
Kindly register names of those who need prayer support with Administrator.
We shall be hosting a Diocesan overnight on 16th November 2018 here at St. Luke’s you are all invited to attend.
For More information please visit the church website. www.st.lukemulago.org