You are currently viewing CHURCH NOTICES FOR SUNDAY 20th MAY 2018.


  1. We welcome you all to St. Luke’s Chapel, Mulago Hospital, in the precious name of Christ our Lord and Saviour. A special welcome to all our visitors.
  2. Please remember to pray for all the sick people, including Elizabeth Naigaga, Joy Kabalinzi, & Avako Jolly and the bereaved and those going through various challenges. Kindly register with the church Administration your prayer
  3. Kingdom Development Organ. (KIDO) is a programme of the church of Uganda to strengthen church growth. You are requested to contribute 500/= daily using your MTN mobile money for the next ten years. Please support your church.
  4. A polite reminder to all those who had made pledges to support God’s work here at St. Luke’s and have not yet fulfilled them, you are being requested to kindly do so. May God bless you.
  5. Finance committee will meet on Tuesday 22nd here at Church at 5:30pm. Please keep time.

Summary for the week’s activities beginning Monday 21st MAY Saturday 26th MAY 2018 is as follows:

 Monday 21st/May/ 2018 Lunch hour from 1-2pm –Bible Study at 5:00p.m. New members are welcome to join.

  • Tuesday 22nd /May/ 2018 – Lunch Hour at 1 -2pm. And QE fellowship at the Nurses Hostel. Will also have a finance committee. at 5:30pm
  • Wednesday 23rd/May/ 2018 – Lunch Hour at 1 – 2p.m. and church Fellowship at 5:30pm. You are all welcome
  • Thursday 24th /May/2018 Lunch hour from 1-2pm. Home cells meeting at various places.
  • Friday 25th/ May/ 2018 – Praying and fasting and teachings by the Chaplain at Lunch hour from 1-2pm. Choir practice – 5:00pm
  • Saturday 26th / May/ 2018 –Choir Practice 4.00 p.m.

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